
Safety Rules for the Quebec Film and Video Industry 

A compendium of prevention sheets has been drawn up by the "Table de concertation paritaire de l’industrie du cinéma et de la vidéo du Québec" with the collaboration of CNESST to provide industry with safety rules to be applied and precautions to be taken In order to safeguard the health and safety of local workers in the workplace.

WATCH OUR VIDEOS ON Health and safety



We provide documentation on various topics related to prevention to our members:

In French only

The health, safety & prevention advisor is there to:
  • Answer your questions
  • Resolve a health and safety issue
  • Guide you through a particular situation
  • Help you to eliminate or mitigate a workplace hazard
  • Visit your workplace, if required
  • Intervene with authorities, if required

For further inquiries, please contact:

Health, Safety & Prevention Advisor
Nathalie Tassé
514 844-2113, ext. 280