OHS Information
Visit this page to learn more about occupational health & safety.Health & Safety Tips videos
We believe that everyone's health and safety is of the utmost importance, whether it is during preparation, during a shoot or during post-production. In order to help you better understand occupational health and safety (OHS), we have developed a series of videos.
In this first video, we present an overview of the Act respecting occupational health and safety and the Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases.
Happy viewing!
Please note that the videos are only in French. However, you may turn on the English subtitles.

- Sheet 1- Safety Rules for the Quebec Film and Video Industry
- Formulaire - discussion en SST (in French)
- Lois et règlements en SST
- Work related accident form
Brochures & Flyers
AQTIS 514 IATSE offers you brochures and flyers covering the main topics in occupational health and safety (in French only).
- Comment prévenir et réparer ?
- Être secouriste sur un plateau
- Sur la route
- Choisir le bon outil
- Échelle ou escabeau
- Droit de refus
- DCE (Dispositif de Consignation Électronique)
personal protective equipment (PPE)
all AQTIS 514 IATSE members, regardless of their sector (American productions, fiction, advertising, etc.), have been entitled to receive the personal protective equipment (PPE) required for their work.
Learn more
useful links
Zoonosis disease transmitted by mosquitoes, ticks, animals, etc.
INSPQ - Zoonoses (in French only) |
Bed bugs |
QUEBEC - Reconnaître les punaises de lit et en prévenir l'infestation MSS - Bed bugs (in French only) MSS - Bed bugs - Prevention and treatment (document available in French only) |
Mould |
QUEBEC - Health problems caused by mould |
Lyme diseas tick exposure |
INSPQ - Informative pamphlets: Lyme disease in the workplace |
Stinging plants |
QUEBEC - Identifying and getting rid of giant hogweed |
Stinging Insects | |
Travel Health | |
Q Fever farm visit |
Asbestos |
CNESST - Asbestos: danger of exposure to asbestos dust (document available in French only) CNESST - Identifying materials likely to contain asbestos (document available in French only) |
Silica | |
Carbon monoxide | |
Dermatitis allergic contact | |
Welding | |
Cosmetics | |
Hairstyling products |
OFFICIEL PRÉVENTION - Occupational risk prevention for hairdressers (in French only) |
Make-up Alberta – Health and safety section |
ALBERTA - Make-up (document available in French only) |
Radiofrequency |
CANADA - Understanding Safety Code 6: Health Canada's radiofrequency exposure guidelines |
Ultraviolet radiation | |
Indoor air quality |
APSAM - Indoor air quality (in French only) |
Noise |
APSAM - Noise (in French only) |
Thunderstorm and lightning |
CNESST - Thunderstorm and lightning (in French only) |
Hazardous weather |
Because many tragic accidents have occurred, because too many have resulted in serious consequences, because no one should be injured on the job. Two laws have been passed, one on prevention (the Act respecting occupational health and safety) and the other on compensation (the Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases).
The Act respecting occupational health and safety stipulates actions that the employer, the person in authority and the worker must take BEFORE the execution of a job in order to prevent accidents. These are preventive measures* that each person is required to establish, observe and/or inform others of.
* See Sheet 1 - Safety Rules for the Quebec Film and Video Industry on this page
The Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases stipulates measures to be taken AFTER an event has occurred to protect the rights of workers who have suffered an occupational injury recognized by the CNESST (industrial accident, occupational disease, recurrence/relapse/aggravation).
The Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST – commission on workplace standards, fairness, health and safety) has been mandated by the Quebec government to administer the occupational health and safety system. It serves as the public insurer for workers and employers, in addition to dealing with prevention.
No, to the extent that the employer is subject to the Quebec occupational health and safety system, which provides no-fault protection.
Yes, because our collective agreements stipulate that technicians offering their services through an incorporated company must be registered with the CNESST (article 8.2 of the AQTIS-AQPM collective agreements and article 11.10 of the AQTIS-AQPFP advertising production agreement).
So you must obtain individual coverage from the CNESST to be protected in the event of an industrial accident. This is a requirement. When you sign your employment contract, you do so in the name of your incorporated company, not your own name. For the purposes of the Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases, your employer is your own incorporated company, not the producer.
This means that in the event of an industrial accident, the producer’s CNESST insurance will not cover you: you must have taken out coverage for yourself from the CNESST. When you contact the CNESST, you must explain your situation and make it clear that you wish to take out coverage for yourself, not your company. Otherwise, the CNESST may tell you that you don’t need coverage.
Yes, anyone (worker or employer) who believes they have been wronged by a decision of the CNESST has the right to challenge it. The process varies depending on the nature of the decision.
All medical expenses related to a work injury are covered by the CNESST. It pays for:
- The services of a health professional (physician, dentist, optometrist);
- Care and treatment received in a facility that is part of the Quebec health and social services network (e.g., a hospital or CLSC);
- Drugs and other pharmaceutical products;
- Orthotics and prosthetics;
- Care and treatment provided in private facilities by healthcare professionals if that care or treatment is covered by the Regulation respecting medical aid and was prescribed by the attending physician (e.g., physiotherapy);
- Technical aids and other costs provided for in the Regulation.
No. You are the only person who has access to your complete CNESST file.
Even if there is a relapse, recurrence or aggravation when you are working for a different employer, only the employer you were working for when your work accident occurred has access to the file created by the CNESST regarding that specific injury. Additionally, only the health professional designated by that employer has access to the medical component of your file.
Furthermore, when a health professional designated by your employer consults your medical or rehabilitation file, the CNESST lets you know, and provides you with that person’s name and address.
If an occupational disease is related to an occupation practised for more than one employer, all the employers involved may have access to your file.
“A sudden and unforeseen event...which happens to a person, arising out of or in the course of his work”
For example:
- Tripping and scraping your knee
- Experiencing shoulder pain while putting a garment bag on the rack in the trailer
- Getting hit in the head by a falling piece of scenery on the set
Even if you don’t go to the doctor, it’s still an event that occurred at work, so it’s an industrial accident.
As soon as possible, to the producer and the union.
The doctor.
So if you have reported several episodes of shoulder pain after handling heavy objects on the job, it will be easier for the doctor to make the connection when diagnosing your condition.
A diagnosis from a physiotherapist, chiropractor or osteopath is not valid; only a doctor’s medical opinion will be accepted.
AQTIS 514 IATSE will help you navigate the process.
Say “A doctor has ordered me to take time off from work.”
The producer doesn’t need to know your diagnosis or why you went to the doctor. You don’t have to justify taking time off; it’s doctor’s orders.
The CNESST will pay you 90% of your net salary. When AQTIS 514 IATSE starts working on your file, we will be able to provide the CNESST with your earnings history to make sure your compensation is calculated accurately, based on your income.
The CNESST has a ceiling for benefits. For 2023, the maximum eligible salary is $91,000.
Appendix K to the AQTIS-AQPM collective agreement sets out the provisions relating to safety footwear, i.e. the amount allocated and the departments entitled to it.
Any member in good standing who works at least one day on a U.S. production is entitled to reimbursement for safety footwear up to a maximum of $200 once per 12-month period. To be eligible, the footwear must bear the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) mark.
There are three ways to submit a claim for reimbursement:
• Mail the original paper invoice
• Hand-deliver the invoice to the office
• Email the invoice to fdevost@aqtis514iatse.com
The following information is required: your first and last name, your mailing address (to send the cheque), the title of the U.S. production you worked on during the year.