Supporting every role

AQTIS 514 IATSE represents 8,000 freelance professionals in over 200 audiovisual occupations related to design, planning, setup and post-production. We are committed to fueling the professional development of audiovisual technicians and the growth of the film and television industry in Quebec and abroad. By cultivating our members’ passion and talents, AQTIS 514 IATSE is ultimately contributing to the audiovisual industry flourish.

Our mission

The defense and promotion of the socio-economic rights and interests of our members

Our vision lights the way

Nos valeurs

Solidarity and equity

Solidarity is the tie that binds our members in their commitment to mutual aid and cohesive collective action.


Our members’ and staff’s professionalism, work ethic and participation in democratic bodies are the cornerstones of the quality service we provide.

Respect and empathy

Respect and empathy are the watchwords guiding our interactions with members, staff and partners.

Supporting every role

Our vision

  • Consolidate membership and member participation by developing a sense of belonging, pride and loyalty.
  • Place the professional progression of members at the heart of our actions.
  • Become an essential partner and promote the development of the audiovisual industry in Quebec.

A long history!

The Alliance québécoise des techniciens de l'image et du son was born out of over 45 years of struggle from audiovisual technicians who rallied to establish an organization to defend their interests.

More info

Working together to project our talents


Executive Committee

Bernard Larivière


Dominic Pilon

Vice President, Television & Documentaries

Chloé Giroux-Lachance

Vice President, Camera

Jason Goodall

Vice President, Fictions & Advertising

Claude Collins

Vice President, Post-Production

Pierre Daudelin

Vice President, U.S. Productions

Carl Lessard


Catherine Tessier


Pierre-Olivier Chénard


Kathy Kelso


Daniel Jr Chrétien


Charlotte Marion Vanasse


Véronique Mélançon


Management Committee

Nathalie Paré

Executive Director

Catherine Jetté

Director, Member Services and Professional Development

Diane Brière

Director of Finance & Administration

Étienne Lafleur

Labour Relations Director

Evelyne Snow

Communications Manager