Applying for Canada Emergency Response Benefit CERB
Publié le April 6, 2020

Guideline to apply for a Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)
The Canada Emergency Response Benefits (CERB) claim processing system will take effect on Monday April 6. You can therefore file a request either:
- by phone at 1-800-959-2019
- or online bly clicking here
Please note the day of the week when you can make your request. The days have been determined by the government according to your month of birth.
Then, to support you in this process, AQTIS has prepared a guide that will help you navigate through all the stages of the registration procedure.
Keep it close to you, it will be precious to properly prepare all the necessary documents and validate the responses at each stage of your request. If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact your assigned advisor at 514-844-2113.
Download the guideline below.
More information
View the PDF file