AQTIS 514 IATSE unveils new look
Publié le April 21, 2022
Montreal, April 21, 2022 – The Association québécoise des techniciens et techniciennes de l’image et du son (AQTIS), IATSE local 514, affiliated with the FTQ, is pleased to unveil its new image and announce the launch of its new website. The merger of three unions into a new organization was an ideal opportunity to create a new image that reflects our members’ identity.
“AQTIS 514 IATSE has been in existence for only 16 months but we are proud of what our young organization has accomplished in this time,” says Christian Lemay, President of AQTIS 514 IATSE. “With the upsurge in productions and 1,100 new members joining in the last year, it was high time for our organization to get a facelift. Our new image is much more than a logo; it reflects who we are and it will take many shapes and forms, allowing our members to take it and make it their own.”
“To promote our members, help them advance in their careers and encourage them to take advantage of all the benefits offered by our organization’s various departments, we have put up a new website with an improved architecture and more user-friendly navigation,” says Sandrine Archambault, Executive Director of AQTIS 514 IATSE. “The site has been revamped to make it easier for our members, producers and all industry players to find the information they’re looking for.”
Marie-Josée Rivard
Director of Communications and Professional Training
514 773 3351 |
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