Food Handler

Hygiene & Sanitation : Food Handler

Length : 7 hours


Food safety is an essential element in the sound operation of establishments that are part of the biofood chain. It is the responsibility of every link in this chain to ensure that its foods are prepared safely. The application of simple precautions can prevent food poisoning and food-borne infections and protect consumers’ health.

Anyone who prepares food must make sure to receive training in and maintain food hygiene and food safety.

Obtaining this certification is a legal obligation for anyone who handles food. For more details, visit the MAPAQ website.


Handling foods so as to preserve their quality and safety:

  • Recognize your share of responsibility with regard to food handling and food safety
  • Apply best practices and satisfy requirements regarding food handling.


Be a member.
Have taken the initiation to community life course


This course lets you obtain official certification from MAPAQ (the Québec ministry for agriculture, fisheries and food). MAPAQ will send the certificates directly to the participants by postal mail a few weeks after they pass the exam.

Obtaining this certification is a legal obligation for anyone who handles food.


Merci de vous inscrire sur la liste de rappel au bas de la page pour être prévenu des prochaines dates qui seront ouverte aux inscriptions. Vous recevrez alors, quelques semaines avant la formation, un courriel contenant la date. Vous pourrez ensuite nous contacter pour vous inscrire. Ces courriels sont envoyés chaque mercredi.

ATTENTION : Une inscription à la liste de rappel n’équivaut pas à une inscription à la formation.

Les places sont limitées. Le jour de la formation, nous n'accepterons aucun-e participant-e qui n'aura pas effectué le paiement de sa formation au préalable.


Course contents
  • Temperatures for storing foods
  • Work methods for avoiding food contamination
  • General principles of hygiene that apply to anyone who comes in contact with food or with materials or equipment that are in contact with food
  • Procedures for cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting materials and equipment
  • Environmental sources of food contamination
  • Microbiological, physical and chemical risks related to food hygiene and food safety
  • Food provenance
  • Food labelling

Available all year round on request at


free of charge, members only

Questions ?

Please contact our Professional Training Team 514 844-2113