Hair Department
Want to be recognized in the Hair department? Here’s what you need to do.
First, make sure you meet the basic requirements of the department :
- Be a member in good standing (have paid the membership dues)
- Have completed these training courses :
- Three (3) years of salon experience (or 3000 hours) if the member is not already recognized in one of the department's position.
A hairdressing diploma recognized by the Government of Quebec:
- Diploma of Vocational Studies (DEP) in hairdressing
OR - RCMO certificate in hairdressing (Soins personnels Québec)
- Diploma of Vocational Studies (DEP) in hairdressing
NOTE: If you are required to drive a heavy vehicle as part of your duties, you must first complete the OODHV Act – Drivers Section course. This training is not linked to a department or a position, but rather to the execution of a specific task.
See the tabs below to find the recognition criteria by position.
Has accumulated 90 days of work as a Assistant Hairdresser under Union contract on 2 different productions with 2 differents Key Hairdresser
- Has accumulated 120 days of work as a Hairdresser under Union contract on 2 different productions with 2 differents Key Hair Dresser
- Is recognized as an Assistant Hairdresser
- Provides 2 letters of recommandation from a Head of Hair Department, an Assistant Head of Hair Department or a Key Hairdresser
- Has accumulated 120 days of work as a Key Hairdresser under Union contract on 2 different productions
- Is recognized as a Hairdresser
- Has taken the Managing a Team course
US productions only
- Has accumulated 120 days of work as an Key Hairdresser - Extra under Union contract on 2 different productions
- Is recognized as a Hairdresser
- Has taken the Managing a Team course
US Productions only
- Has accumulated 120 days of work as an Assistant Head of Hairdressing Department under Union contract on 2 different productions
- Is recognized as a Hairdresser
- Has taken the Managing a Team course
Quebec productions only
- Has accumulated 120 days of work as an Hair Designer under Union contract on 2 different productions
- Is recognized as a Key Hairdresser or a Key Hair Dresser - Extra
- Has taken the Managing a Team course
US productions only
- Has accumulated 120 days of work as an Head of Hairdressing Department under Union contract on 2 different productions
- Is recognized as a Key Hairdresser or a Key Hair Dresser - Extra
- Has taken the Managing a Team course
Si, dans le cadre de vos tâches, vous devez conduire un véhicule lourd, il est requis au préalable d’avoir suivi la formation Loi PECVL - volet conducteurs.
Cette formation s’adresse aux conducteur-trice-s de véhicules lourds (soit un véhicule plus de 4500 kg, communément nommé « cube »). Cette formation n’est pas rattachée à un département ou à une fonction, mais plutôt à l’exécution d’une tâche spécifique.
Credits may be transferred:
- From a higher position to a lower position in the table
- Between positions at the same level
To be recognized for a position, one must first be recognized for a lower position.
Are you a technician interested in opening an account with AQTIS 514 IATSE (or complete an existing one)? If so, you must provide your date of birth and your social insurance number (SIN) when filling out the form.
This information allows us to issue your income tax slips and to transfer the accumulated saving from your RRSP and insurance, following the collective agreements.
Producer: To access the Members Directory and the Technician Job Search System, please contact us directly by email at
Once your information has been reviewed and approve by our team during business hours, you will have access to My Profile, Tools and Documents and My Credits.
If you have any questions, please contact our Member Services team at 514 844-2113 or
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