Quebec Budget 2025-2026: Our Industry Overlooked, AQTIS 514 IATSE is Disappointed
Publié le March 26, 2025
AQTIS 514 IATSE had hoped for support in the budget presented today and is disappointed by the lack of direct aid to the visual production industry in the 2025-2026 budget. The increase of the budgetary envelope by $717 million for culture is welcome and highlights that these specific challenges are not ignored.
While the continued support for cultural enterprises via SODEC and the new sums invested in culture are notable, we insist on the need to quickly translate the future recommendations of the Task Force on the Future of Audiovisual in Quebec (GTAAQ) into concrete actions and significant investments for the years to come. We recall that we participated in the work of this group by submitting a brief proposing specific solutions to current issues.
"Considering the strategic importance of our sector for the Quebec economy and culture, we would have liked to see measures included in this budget right now," laments Bernard Larivière, our president. "As we face crucial issues of protecting our identity and values in the current international context, it is urgent and crucial for the future of our industry to react quickly."
It should be noted that our local and foreign visual production industry, a true economic engine of Quebec, generates thousands of jobs and considerable financial benefits while ensuring the global reach of Quebec culture.