Painting Department
Want to be recognized in the Painting department? Here’s what you need to do.
First, make sure you meet the basic requirements of the department :
- Be a member in good standing (have paid the membership dues)
- Have completed these training courses :
See the tabs below to find the recognition criteria by position.
- Have taken the Managing a team training
- Have accumulated 120 days of work as a Head Painter under Union contract on at least 2 different productions
Have accumulated 90 days of work as a Painter under Union contract on at least 2 different productions
Have accumulated 90 days of work as a Assistant Painter under Union contract on at least 2 different productions
Have accumulated 90 days of work as a Head Scenic Painter under Union contract on at least 2 different productions
Have accumulated 90 days of work as a Scenic Painter under Union contract on at least 2 different productions
Have accumulated 90 days of work as a Assistant Scenic Painter under Union contract on at least 2 different productions
- Have accumulated 400 days of work as an Set Painter under Union contract on at least 3 different productions
- Provide a letter of recommendation from a Head Scenic Painter
Are you a technician interested in opening an account with AQTIS 514 IATSE (or complete an existing one)? If so, you must provide your date of birth and your social insurance number (SIN) when filling out the form.
This information allows us to issue your income tax slips and to transfer the accumulated saving from your RRSP and insurance, following the collective agreements.
Producer: To access the Members Directory and the Technician Job Search System, please contact us directly by email at
Once your information has been reviewed and approve by our team during business hours, you will have access to My Profile, Tools and Documents and My Credits.
If you have any questions, please contact our Member Services team at 514 844-2113 or
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