Camera Department
Want to be recognized in the Camera department? Here’s what you need to do.
First, make sure you meet the basic requirements of the department :
- Be a member in good standing (have paid the membership dues)
- Have completed the Introduction to the union session
NOTE: If you are required to drive a heavy vehicle as part of your duties, you must first complete the OODHV Act – Drivers Section course. This training is not linked to a department or a position, but rather to the execution of a specific task.
See the tabs below to find the recognition criteria by position.
General Camera
- Completed the following trainings : Introduction to the union, Managing a Team, Fall Protection, Use of Aerial Platforms & Lifting Platforms and Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
- Have accumulated 120 days of work as a DOP under Union contract on 2 different productions
Provide the following documents:
- Demo (highly recommended, but not required)
- Resume
- 2 letters of recommendation from a director and / or producer
- 1 letter of recommendation from a Director of photography member
- Completed the following trainings : Introduction to the union, Fall Protection, Use of Aerial Platforms & Lifting Platforms and Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
- Have accumulated 120 days of work as Camera Operator under union contract on 2 different productions
Provide the following documents:
- Resume
- 3 letters of recommendation from a a member recognized in the function or in a higher function
- Completed the following trainings : Introduction to the union, Fall Protection, Use of Aerial Platforms & Lifting Platforms and Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
- Have accumulated 90 days of work as a Steadicam Operator under union contract on 2 different productions
Provide the following documents:
- Resume
- 3 letters of recommendation from a a member recognized in the function or in a higher function
- Completed the following trainings: Introduction to the union, Managing a Team, Fall Protection, Use of Aerial Platforms & Lifting Platforms and Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
- Have completed the Film & Digital Camera Assistant course or be recognized as a 2nd Camera Assistant
- Have accumulated 90 days of work as a 1st Camera Assistant under union contract on 2 different productions
Provide the following documents:
- Resume
- 3 letters of recommendation from a a member recognized in the function or in a higher function
To be recognized as a 2nd camera assistant, you must complete and pass the Camera Trainee program, unless otherwise exempted.
Click here for more information on the program.
Also, you must have completed the following courses:
- Be recognized as a 2nd camera assistant
Provide the following documents:
- Resume
- 3 letters of recommendation from a a member recognized in the function or in a higher function
- Be recognized as a 2nd assistant camera
Provide the following documents:
- Resume
- 3 letters of recommendation from a a member recognized in the function or in a higher function
Photography & promotion
- Completed the following courses : Introduction to the union, Fall Protection, Aerial Platforms & Lifting Platforms and WHMIS
- Have been admitted and completed the Stage Photographer Internship program
- Accumulated 90 days of work under contract with the association, on three different productions, including 60 days in drama. The candidate may accumulate days after being accepted
- Completed three days of internship: 1 day in film, 1 day in drama, 1 day in non-drama, with at least two AQTIS 514 IATSE members recognized as on-set photographers (Internship certificate must be completed and signed by the internship supervisor).
Please send your complete file to :
Please see the french page of the website.
*Electronic Press Kit/Behind The Scene
Have taken the Introduction to the Union, Fall Protection, Aerial Platforms and Lifting Platforms and WHMIS courses
Have accumulated 90 days of work as an Electronic cameraperson (EPK/BTS) under union contract on 2 different productions
Provide the following documents:
- Resume
- 1 letter of recommendation from a member of camera department
- Completed the following courses : Introduction to the union, Fall Protection, Aerial Platforms & Lifting Platforms and WHMIS
- Have accumulated 90 days of work as a VFX supervisor under union contract on 2 different productions
Document to provide :
- Resume
- Completed the following courses : Introduction to the union, Fall Protection, Aerial Platforms & Lifting Platforms and WHMIS
- Have accumulated 90 days of work as a VFX coordinator under union contract on 2 different productions
Document to provide :
- Resume
- Completed the following courses : Introduction to the union, Fall Protection, Aerial Platforms & Lifting Platforms and WHMIS
- Have accumulated 90 days of work as a VFX Artist Technician under union contract on 2 different productions
Document to provide :
- Resume
- Completed the following courses : Introduction to the union, Fall Protection, Aerial Platforms & Lifting Platforms and WHMIS
- Have accumulated 90 days of work as a VFX technician under union contract on 2 different productions
Document to provide :
- Resume
Digital Imaging/Video Playback
- Completed the following courses : Introduction to the Union, Fall Protection, Aerial Platforms & Lifting Platforms and WHMIS
- Have accumulated 45 days of work as a 3D stereographer under union contract on 2 different productions
Document to provide :
- Resume
- Completed the following courses : Introduction to the Union, Fall Protection, Aerial Platforms & Lifting Platforms and WHMIS
- Have accumulated 45 days of work as 3D Engineer under union contract on 2 different productions
Document to provide :
- Resume
- Completed the following courses : Introduction to the Union, Fall Protection, Aerial Platforms & Lifting Platforms and WHMIS
- Have accumulated 45 days of work as a 3D Rigger under union contract on 2 different productions
Document to provide :
- Resume
- Completed the following courses : Introduction to the Union, Fall Protection, Aerial Platforms & Lifting Platforms and WHMIS
- Have accumulated 45 days of work as a 3D Digital Imaging Technician under union contract on 2 different productions
Document to provide :
- Resume
- Completed the following courses : Introduction to the Union, Fall Protection, Aerial Platforms & Lifting Platforms and WHMIS
- Have accumulated 45 days of work as a 24 frames operator under union contract on 2 different productions
Provide the following documents :
- Resume
- 1 letters of recommendation from members of camera department
- Completed the following courses : Introduction to the Union, Fall Protection, Aerial Platforms & Lifting Platforms and WHMIS
- Be recognized as a Video Assist 1
- Have accumulated 90 days of work as a Motion Picture Video Coordinator under union contract on 2 different productions
Provide the following documents :
- Resume
- 3 letters of recommendation from members of the camera department
- Completed the following courses : Introduction to the Union, Fall Protection, Aerial Platforms & Lifting Platforms and WHMIS
- Have accumulated 90 days of work as a Motion picture video Operator under union contract on 2 different productions
Provide the following documents :
- Resume
- 3 letters of recommendation from members of camera department
- Completed the following courses : Introduction to the Union, Fall Protection, Aerial Platforms & Lifting Platforms and WHMIS
- Have accumulated 90 days of work as a Video assist 1 under union contract on 2 different productions
Provide the following documents :
- Resume
- 3 letters of recommendation from members of the camera department
Have taken the Introduction to the Union, WHMIS and DATA courses
Be recognized as a Data Managment Technician or as a Video assist 1
Have accumulated 90 days of work as a Digital Imaging Technician under union contract on 2 different productions
Provide the following documents :
- Resume
- 3 letters of recommendation from members of camera department
Have taken the Introduction to the Union, WHMIS and DATA courses
Have accumulated 90 days of work as a Data Management Technician under union contract on 2 different productions
Provide the following documents :
- Resume
- 3 letters of recommendation from members of camera department
Specialized Camera
- Completed the following courses : Introduction to the Union and WHMIS
- Have accumulated 90 days of work under union contract on 2 different productions
Provide the following documents :
- Current commercial diving certificate in accordance with CSA standard Z275.4
- Current medical certificate of fitness for scuba diving - valid for 2 years for those under 40 and 1 year for those 40 and over
- Up-to-date certificate in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation
- Resume
- 3 letters of recommendation from members of the department
Not allowed to dive, unless you have the prerequisites. Refer to the requirements of Underwater specialist
Please see the french page of the website.
Have taken the Introduction to the Union, Fall Protection, Aerial Platforms & Lifting Platforms, WHMIS courses
Have accumulated 45 days of work as a Remote head technician under union contract on 2 different productions
Provide the following documents :
- Resume
- 1 letter of recommendation from a member of camera department
Have taken the Introduction to the Union, Fall Protection, Aerial Platforms & Lifting Platforms and WHMIS courses
Have accumulated 90 days of work as a Stabilazed Remote Head Technician under union contract on 2 different productions
Provide the following documents :
- Resume
- 1 letter of recommendation from a member of camera department
Have taken the Introduction to the Union, Fall Protection, Aerial Platforms & Lifting Platforms and WHMIS courses
Have accumulated 90 days of work as a Non-Stabilazed Remote Head Technician under union contract on 2 different productions
Provide the following documents :
- Resume
- 1 letter of recommendation from a member of camera department
Have taken the Introduction to the Union, Fall Protection, Aerial Platforms & Lifting Platforms and WHMIS courses
Have accumulated 45 days of work as an Aerial Remote Head Technician under union contract on 2 different productions
Provide the following documents :
- Resume
- 1 letter of recommendation from a member of camera department
Have taken the Introduction to the Union, Fall Protection, Aerial Platforms & Lifting Platforms and WHMIS courses
Have accumulated 90 days of work as a Specialized Camera Operator under union contract on 2 different productions
Provide the following documents :
- Resume
- 1 letter of recommendation from a member of camera department
Have taken the Introduction to the Union, Fall Protection, Aerial Platforms & Lifting Platforms and WHMIS courses
Have accumulated 45 days of work as a Motion Control Operator (Techno Dolly) under union contract on 2 different productions
Provide the following documents :
- Resume
- 1 letter of recommendation from a member of camera department
Have taken the Introduction to the Union, Fall Protection, Aerial Platforms & Lifting Platforms and WHMIS courses
Have accumulated 45 days of work as a Motion control technician under union contract on 2 different productions
Provide the following documents :
- Resume
- 1 letter of recommendation from a member of camera department
Please see the french page of the website.
Please see the french page of the website.
Please see the french page of the website.
Electronic Soundperson (EPK/BTS)*
*Electronic Press Kit/Behind The Scene
- Have taken the Introduction to the Union, Fall Protection, Aerial Platforms & Lifting Platforms and WHMIS courses
- Have accumulated 90 days of work as an Electronic soundperson (EPK/BTS) under union contract on 2 different productions
Provide the following documents :
- Resume
- 1 letter of recommendation from a member of the Sound department
If, as part of your duties, you are required to drive a heavy vehicle, you must first have taken the OODHV Act – Drivers Section training course, intended for drivers of heavy vehicles (i.e., a vehicle weighing more than 4500 kg, commonly called a "cube"). This training is not tied to a department or function, but rather to the performance of a specific task.
Are you a technician interested in opening an account with AQTIS 514 IATSE (or complete an existing one)? If so, you must provide your date of birth and your social insurance number (SIN) when filling out the form.
This information allows us to issue your income tax slips and to transfer the accumulated saving from your RRSP and insurance, following the collective agreements.
Producer: To access the Members Directory and the Technician Job Search System, please contact us directly by email at
Once your information has been reviewed and approve by our team during business hours, you will have access to My Profile, Tools and Documents and My Credits.
If you have any questions, please contact our Member Services team at 514 844-2113 or
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