Frequently Asked Questions
Become a member
How do I join the union?
- Complete the Initiation to Community Life course, if you have not already done so
- To register for this course:
a. If you don't already have one, create an account:
b. Contact the Professional Training team at 514-844-2113 #3 in the telephone menu, or at - Fill out all the membership forms* after you've followed the course
- Once the forms are filled, send them by email to or by mail to our offices located at 1001 de Maisonneuve Blvd East, Suite 900, Montreal (QC) H2L 4P9
- After we've received and reviewed them, you will receive a confirmation e-mail
- It takes about 15 minutes (on the phone or in person). We will need your personal information and contact information (mailing address, email, phone number, date of birth and SIN).
- For payment over the phone, only credit cards are accepted. For payment in person, the following methods are accepted: credit card, debit card, cheque, cash (exact amount)
To become a member of the organization, you must pay:
- $250 one-time fee to open a file with AQTIS 514 IATSE *Please note that as of March 1, 2025, these fees will be $450.
- $100 one-time fee to open a file with IATSE International
- $250 annual union dues which must be paid every year (always covers the period of January 1 to December 31, regardless of when it is paid during the year)
A member who has not paid their annual dues by January 1 becomes a member not in good standing. A member not in good standing must pay the amount due to become a member in good standing again.
A member not in good standing
Is not listed in the directory
Does not have access to SET job postings
The annual dues are $250 even if they are paid late.
If the member does not regularize their status within the specified time, they will be expelled and treated as a non-member until all amounts due are paid.
There are no restrictions on Quebec productions once you are a member.
On U.S. productions, members who are recognized in the position must be given priority. The hiring of members not recognized in the position is subject to the union's approval.
A permittee is a technician who occupies a position covered by an AQTIS 514 IATSE collective agreement and has not yet become a member.
Pending the granting of membership, the permittee is issued an AQTIS 514 IATSE permit allowing him or her to work on productions under the union's jurisdiction and under the terms of an AQTIS 514 IATSE collective agreement.
You must complete the Initiation to Community Life course then pay your annual dues to complete the process of becoming a member and not have to pay for permits anymore. The permits are not refundable. It is therefore important to contact AQTIS 514 IATSE and pay your annual dues as soon as you have accumulated the necessary credits and taken the required training.
A permittee
Is not listed in the member directory
Receives SET job postings sent to permittees (3rd notification)
Has access to some secure pages on the website
Does not have access to group insurance
Pays 2.5% union dues on AQTIS/AQPM/APP productions
Pays for a work permit:
On AQTIS/AQPM/APP contracts: 7.5%
On U.S. productions: 12.5% (but does not contribute to insurance and the RRSP)
Has paid their annual union dues ($250 for January 1 to December 31), is in good standing
Has access to the directory and is listed
Receives SET job postings (1st notification for positions for which the member is recognized, 2nd notification for positions for which the member is not recognized)
Has access to the secure sections of the website
Has access to insurance coverage, depending on their earnings during the reference period
Pays 2.5% union dues
A permittee is a technician who works on a production without being a member of AQTIS 514 IATSE.
Is not listed in the directory
Receives SET job postings sent to permittees (3rd notification)
Has access to some secure sections of the website
May qualify for limited insurance coverage
Pays 2.5% union dues on AQTIS/AQPM/APP productions
Pays for a work permit:
On AQTIS/AQPM/APP contracts: 7.5%
On U.S. productions: 12.5% (but does not contribute to insurance and the RRSP)
Can become a member if they meet the criteria for a position. They must pay the $250 annual dues and become a member recognized in a position.
Member not in good standing
A member who has not paid their annual dues by January 1 becomes a member not in good standing. A member not in good standing must pay the amount due to become a member in good standing again.
A member not in good standing
Is not listed in the directory
Does not have access to SET job postings
Has access to the secure sections of the website
Has access to insurance coverage
Honourable withdrawal
A member who has asked to quit the association and has no dues outstanding
Is not listed in the directory
Does not have access to SET job postings
Does not have access to secure sections of the website
Does not have access to insurance coverage
A member who has honourably withdrawn must rejoin the union if they want to work under an AQTIS 514 IATSE contract. To become a member again, they must pay their outstanding quarterly dues up to a maximum of 8 quarters at $62.50 per quarter, plus the dues for the current year.
Retired member
A member who has informed AQTIS 514 IATSE of their retirement from the industry
Is not listed in the directory but has access
Does not have access to SET job postings
Has access to the secure sections of the website
Loses their insurance coverage
A retired member must rejoin the union if they want to work under an AQTIS 514 IATSE contract. To become a member again, they must pay their outstanding quarterly dues up to a maximum of 8 quarters at $62.50 per quarter, plus the dues for the current year.
Expelled member
A member not in good standing who has not paid their dues in full within 6 months after the date of the dues notice will be expelled. An expelled member
Is not listed in the directory
Does not have access to SET job postings
Does not have access to secure sections of the website
Loses their insurance coverage
An expelled member must rejoin the union if they want to work under an AQTIS 514 IATSE contract. To become a member again, they must pay their outstanding quarterly dues and their annual dues.
It is advisable to send an email to to request withdrawal from the union.
A withdrawing member must have paid all amounts due (dues, training fees, etc.)
AQTIS 514 IATSE doesn't find jobs for its members.
Here are a few useful links for finding contracts:
Qui fait quoi? magazine
AQPM - Association québécoise de la production médiatique
CTVM - The news source for Quebec audiovisual professionals
Job offers are posted on the SET job board (for Système d’Embauche des Technicien-ne-s) by the producers. They are sent only to technicians who have the relevant position listed in their file.
There are 3 notification levels:
First notification goes to members recognized in the position
Second notification goes to members who are not recognized in the position but have it listed in their file
Notification 3 goes to permittees who have already worked in the position
Any member in good standing may distribute a SET offer, with the agreement of a representative of the producer.
Producers must be authorized by AQTIS 514 IATSE to post job offers on SET.
Recognition in a position is not automatic; you must request it from Member Services.
Any member who meets the criteria for classification in a position may request recognition in that position.
To make the request, call 514-844-2113 or send an email to
In general, you must have worked a certain number of days in the position. There may also be mandatory training or documentation requirements. To view the criteria, go to the page for the relevant department.
The criteria for classification in a position are voted on by the members recognized in a position in the relevant department, and ratified by the Executive Committee.
The activity report is a document that summarizes all the contributions paid by producers to AQTIS 514 IATSE for a member.
For Quebec productions, the report is available in your inbox.
It is not updated in real time. For example, contributions collected in January 2022 will appear on the activity report posted in March 2022. An email is sent monthly to notify you when your activity report has been updated.
Note that the online activity report does not include U.S. productions. To obtain the report for U.S. productions, send an email to
Income tax receipt:
Issued at the end of February by AQTIS 514 IATSE. Available in your inbox.
Annual dues paid during the fiscal year
Proportional dues (2.5%) for Quebec productions
Permit fees (if applicable)
Registration fees for training courses
The proportional dues (2.5%) paid on U.S. productions are shown on the T4 and Relevé 1 slips issued by the producers.
Dues notice:
Sent around November 1
Payable online
RRSP tax receipts:
Issued directly by the financial institution (Canada Life or IA Financial Group)
Relevé 22:
Issued by AQTIS 514 IATSE, sent by mail in 2022
Receipt for Canada Life insurance premiums paid by members
Available in your inbox
If the amounts shown on your activity report are incorrect, please contact us. Note that it is normal for recent contributions (less than 2 months) to be missing.
Who to contact if there's a mistake on your activity report:
Quebec productions: Simon-Olivier Fournier (
U.S. productions: Jean-François St-Louis (
Yes. In this case, you must pay dues to each local. When you join a second IATSE local, you will need to decide which one will handle your insurance and RSP (your home local).
1 credit = 1 day of work under an AQTIS 514 IATSE contract. A day with less than 5 hours of work counts as 0.5 credits.
You start earning credits on your first day of work. They are tabulated automatically by AQTIS 514 IATSE.
To see your credits, go to
Note that credits earned on U.S. productions are not shown on the site. For those credits, please contact AQTIS 514 IATSE.
Once you have accumulated the number of credits required for recognition in a position, contact us by phone at 514-844-2113 or by email at
It takes six to eight weeks for your AQTIS work days to be tabulated.
Note that credits earned on U.S. productions are not shown on the site. For those credits, please contact AQTIS 514 IATSE.
Yes, under certain conditions. See this page for more details.
Yes, under certain conditions. See this page for more details.
If I am a member of another local, do I have to be a member of AQTIS 514 IATSE?
If you are a resident of Quebec and working under an AQTIS 514 IATSE contract, you must be a member of the union. However, if you are a resident of another province and a member of another IATSE local, you are not required to join AQTIS 514 IATSE. You can work on an AQTIS 514 IATSE project as an affiliate member and pay only:
2.5% union dues
Group insurance premium (can be transferred to your home local, upon request)
Contribution to group RSP (can be transferred to your home local, upon request)
The criteria for classification in a position are drawn up by the department's representatives and then voted on by the members recognized in a position in the department. They must then be ratified by the Executive Committee before coming into force.
For more information, contact the Member Services at 514-844-2113 or
Contact the Member Services at 514-844-2113 or
AQTIS 514 IATSE dues are paid annually for the period of January 1 to December 31.
You can pay by phone with a credit card, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Online by Visa or Mastercard using the payment box on the AQTIS 514 IATSE website
Online on your bank's website:
Choose the Pay Bills option and then Add Payee
Select or enter AQTIS 514 IATSE
Enter your AQTIS 514 IATSE member number (8-character alphanumeric number, e.g. MA012345) as it appears on your dues notice (the reference number).
At an ATM and at most financial institutions
By mail (cheque or money order). Write your member number (e.g. MA012345) and the notice number on the cheque.
See this page.
AQTIS 514 IATSE provides all members with the following services:
- Negotiating collective agreements with film and television producers and producers’ associations
- Applying the collective agreements, managing labour relations, settling disputes arising from the collective agreements, filing and following up on grievances if need be
- Providing occupational health and safety services, defending injured workers before the CNESST and administrative tribunals
- Providing a professional development service that offers introductory, basic and advanced courses in various trades as well as training in health and safety
- Matching technicians with employers by providing a technician employment service (SET) available to producers and members, an online members’ directory and a directory of productions
- Defending the interests of members and of the independent film and television production industry
- Promoting Quebec as a location for Canadian and foreign productions
- Providing member benefits including a group insurance plan, a group RRSP and an employee assistance program
No, you can become a member by paying the $600 fee.
It consists of 3 components:
- $250 annual dues, payable by all members
- $100 one-time fee to open a file with IATSE International
- $250 one-time fee to open a file with AQTIS 514 IATSE
Work permits fees paid prior to the date on which you became a member are not refunded.
Notify the production as soon as you become a member so that they stop collecting the work permit fee. If the production continues to deduct the fee after the date on which you became a member, you will be reimbursed by AQTIS 514 IATSE.
For job shadowing opportunities, you must contact the production directly. Internships do not count as a day of work, as they are unpaid. An intern must never occupy a position (replacing a member).
For more information about internships, contact Labour Relations at 514-844-2113 /
Health & Safety
Because many tragic accidents have occurred, because too many have resulted in serious consequences, because no one should be injured on the job. Two laws have been passed, one on prevention (the Act respecting occupational health and safety) and the other on compensation (the Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases).
The Act respecting occupational health and safety stipulates actions that the employer, the person in authority and the worker must take BEFORE the execution of a job in order to prevent accidents. These are preventive measures* that each person is required to establish, observe and/or inform others of.
* See Sheet 1 - Safety Rules for the Quebec Film and Video Industry on this page
The Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases stipulates measures to be taken AFTER an event has occurred to protect the rights of workers who have suffered an occupational injury recognized by the CNESST (industrial accident, occupational disease, recurrence/relapse/aggravation).
The Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST – commission on workplace standards, fairness, health and safety) has been mandated by the Quebec government to administer the occupational health and safety system. It serves as the public insurer for workers and employers, in addition to dealing with prevention.
No, to the extent that the employer is subject to the Quebec occupational health and safety system, which provides no-fault protection.
Yes, anyone (worker or employer) who believes they have been wronged by a decision of the CNESST has the right to challenge it. The process varies depending on the nature of the decision.
All medical expenses related to a work injury are covered by the CNESST. It pays for:
- The services of a health professional (physician, dentist, optometrist);
- Care and treatment received in a facility that is part of the Quebec health and social services network (e.g., a hospital or CLSC);
- Drugs and other pharmaceutical products;
- Orthotics and prosthetics;
- Care and treatment provided in private facilities by healthcare professionals if that care or treatment is covered by the Regulation respecting medical aid and was prescribed by the attending physician (e.g., physiotherapy);
- Technical aids and other costs provided for in the Regulation.
No. You are the only person who has access to your complete CNESST file.
Even if there is a relapse, recurrence or aggravation when you are working for a different employer, only the employer you were working for when your work accident occurred has access to the file created by the CNESST regarding that specific injury. Additionally, only the health professional designated by that employer has access to the medical component of your file.
Furthermore, when a health professional designated by your employer consults your medical or rehabilitation file, the CNESST lets you know, and provides you with that person’s name and address.
If an occupational disease is related to an occupation practised for more than one employer, all the employers involved may have access to your file.
As soon as possible, to the producer and the union.
AQTIS 514 IATSE will help you navigate the process.
Say “A doctor has ordered me to take time off from work.”
The producer doesn’t need to know your diagnosis or why you went to the doctor. You don’t have to justify taking time off; it’s doctor’s orders.
The CNESST will pay you 90% of your net salary. When AQTIS 514 IATSE starts working on your file, we will be able to provide the CNESST with your earnings history to make sure your compensation is calculated accurately, based on your income.
The CNESST has a ceiling for benefits. For 2023, the maximum eligible salary is $91,000.
Yes, because our collective agreements stipulate that technicians offering their services through an incorporated company must be registered with the CNESST (article 8.2 of the AQTIS-AQPM collective agreements and article 11.10 of the AQTIS-AQPFP advertising production agreement).
So you must obtain individual coverage from the CNESST to be protected in the event of an industrial accident. This is a requirement. When you sign your employment contract, you do so in the name of your incorporated company, not your own name. For the purposes of the Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases, your employer is your own incorporated company, not the producer.
This means that in the event of an industrial accident, the producer’s CNESST insurance will not cover you: you must have taken out coverage for yourself from the CNESST. When you contact the CNESST, you must explain your situation and make it clear that you wish to take out coverage for yourself, not your company. Otherwise, the CNESST may tell you that you don’t need coverage.
“A sudden and unforeseen event...which happens to a person, arising out of or in the course of his work”
For example:
- Tripping and scraping your knee
- Experiencing shoulder pain while putting a garment bag on the rack in the trailer
- Getting hit in the head by a falling piece of scenery on the set
Even if you don’t go to the doctor, it’s still an event that occurred at work, so it’s an industrial accident.
The doctor.
So if you have reported several episodes of shoulder pain after handling heavy objects on the job, it will be easier for the doctor to make the connection when diagnosing your condition.
A diagnosis from a physiotherapist, chiropractor or osteopath is not valid; only a doctor’s medical opinion will be accepted.
Appendix K to the AQTIS-AQPM collective agreement sets out the provisions relating to safety footwear, i.e. the amount allocated and the departments entitled to it.
Any member in good standing who works at least one day on a U.S. production is entitled to reimbursement for safety footwear up to a maximum of $200 once per 12-month period. To be eligible, the footwear must bear the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) mark.
There are three ways to submit a claim for reimbursement:
• Mail the original paper invoice
• Hand-deliver the invoice to the office
• Email the invoice to
The following information is required: your first and last name, your mailing address (to send the cheque), the title of the U.S. production you worked on during the year.
Medavie Blue Cross
Short-term disability insurance pays benefits for a maximum of 17 weeks, after a 7-day waiting period. In all, you will receive 75% of your average earnings under AQTIS contracts, up to a maximum of $1,400 per week. The benefits are taxable.
To qualify for disability benefits, your insurance plan must be the one for workers with an average income of $15,500 or more.
To file a claim, contact AQTIS 514 IATSE at 514-844-2113 or
The AQTIS 514 IATSE benefits officer will send you the documents you need to fill out. You will receive an email with the forms and instructions.
You must apply for Employment Insurance because disability insurance provides only supplemental/complementary coverage.
If your disability is the result of a work-related accident or an occupational disease, you may be entitled to CNESST benefits, which cover 90% of your net salary.
However, depending on your diagnosis and CNESST processing times, and to avoid double compensation,* it may be preferable to:
- Submit a disability claim to the insurance company only
- Submit a disability claim to the CNESST only
- Submit a claim to both
Feel free to contact us at the following email addresses so that we can analyze your situation: and
* In the event of double compensation, the member would have to repay the overpayments to the insurance company.
Your disability benefits will depend on your average income and your EI claim. So we can't tell you the exact amount.
However, we can give you a model of the calculation performed by Medavie Blue Cross to give you a rough idea of how much you will receive.
The maximum benefit period for both short-term and long-term disability is 18 weeks.
It normally takes 10 working days.
To determine the training you need to take, see the page of the department for your position:
You don't have to take the Initiation to Community Life course or any other training before you start working but we recommend it. However, if your job requires you to operate machinery or demands certain specific skills (e.g. driving a forklift, working at height, handling or transporting explosives), then you are legally required to have training. The producer must make sure, before hiring you, that you have the required credentials to do the job. A producer can never force you to perform a task that requires credentials you do not hold or training you have not taken.
We can accommodate you. Depending on circumstances, we can train your entire team or send instructors directly to the set. The latter option requires agreement in writing from the production's representative.
There is no particular order, with a few exceptions. Prerequisites are indicated on the page for each course.
Yes, you certainly can and you don't need a reason.
Some of our courses are offered only online, some only in the classroom, and some in both formats. See the page for each course for more information.
No, our courses are all in French. However, depending on the course, some solutions may be available.
Please contact us at 514-844-2113 or by email at to see how we can help you.
You must have the appropriate health and safety training for your position. You may be exempted from technical training (such as the Introduction to the Profession of Set Lighting Technician course or the Film & Digital Camera Assistant course). To find out whether you qualify for an exemption, contact AQTIS 514 IATSE Member Services at 514-844-2113 or by email at
There are no exemptions for the Initiation to Community Life and Managing a Team courses.
Our courses are generally fee-based, with the exception of occupational health and safety courses, which are free but reserved for members.
There are several ways to pay:
- Over the phone by credit card (Visa or Mastercard)
- At our office by debit card or cash, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday
Note that if you haven't paid by the day before the course starts, you will not be allowed to take the course and you will be charged a cancellation fee, as per our cancellation policy.
To get on the reminder list, go to the page for the course and click on the "Subscribe to our reminder list" button.
You are officially registered for a course once you have paid the fee (if the course is fee-based) and received the confirmation email, which contains all the information you need to attend the course. (If you don't receive the email, please check your spam folder!)
You must notify the Training Department by phone at 514-844-2113 or by email at at least six business days before the course starts. Otherwise, fees may apply. Please refer to our cancellation policy.
AQTIS 514 IATSE will send you a tax receipt by February 28 each year covering, among other things, any fees paid for training courses during the previous tax year. These fees are tax deductible. To find out the amount of the deduction to which you are entitled, please contact an accountant.
There is no legal obligation to renew your competency cards and AQTIS 514 IATSE does not require it, with the exception of a few courses. However, we recommend that you take training on a regular basis to stay current. Renewal information can be found on the page for each course. The producer must make sure, before hiring you, that you have the required credentials to do the job. A producer can never force you to perform a task that requires credentials you do not hold or training you have not taken.
The Film & Digital Camera Assistant course is part of the Camera Trainee Program, so you have to be selected for the program in order to take the course. Some exceptions may be allowed, with the agreement of the program coordinator.
See the program page for details.
Canada life
Short-term disability insurance is a supplement to Employment Insurance and ensures you will receive 75% of your average earnings in the year preceding your disability date. You can be on short-term disability for up to 17 weeks, after which you can go on long-term disability and receive 66% of your average earnings for up to 24 months.
To be eligible for disability benefits, your annual gross income must be at least $20,000. Long-term disability coverage is available only under plans B, C and D.
To file a claim, contact AQTIS 514 IATSE at 514-844-2113 or
The AQTIS 514 IATSE benefits officer will send you the documents you need to fill out. You will receive an email with the forms and instructions.
You must apply for Employment Insurance because disability insurance is a supplemental/complementary benefit.
In all, you will receive 75% of your weekly earnings on short-term disability and 66% on long-term disability.
Yes. On long-term disability, the monthly maximum is $5,000.
On short-term disability, the weekly maximum is $1,400.
The maximum benefit period for both short-term and long-term disability is 16 weeks.
Once your claim has been sent to Canada Life, you have to contact them at 1-888-343-6044 to follow up or make changes.
It normally takes 15 working days.
Preventing harassment
Psychological harassment in the workplace refers to:
a. vexatious behaviour;
b. which manifests itself through repeated actions, words and gestures;
c. that are hostile or unwanted;
d. that negatively affect a person’s dignity or psychological or physical integrity;
e. and that create a harmful work environment.
Examples of sexual harassment in the workplace include:
a. Making unnecessary physical contact (touching, caressing);
b. Asking for sex in exchange for a favour;
c. Making inappropriate comments (including jokes) about a person’s body, appearance, identity or sexual orientation;
d. Asking personal questions;
e. Whistling or leering, particularly at a person’s private parts;
f. Posting or sharing pornographic photos of a person.
a. Rude behaviour
Not following the basic rules of civility, whether intentionally or not. For example: ignoring someone who said hello, being impolite, using vulgar language, talking behind someone’s back.
b. Difficult interpersonal relationships
Difficulty working or getting along with someone. For example: having to constantly ask for a coworker’s cooperation, being put in awkward situations due to unresolved issues.
c. Conflict
Disagreeing with a coworker about a work-related issue. For example: a turf war over a decision involving several departments.
a. If possible, try talking to the person who is harassing you.
b. If the situation involves two persons who work in the same department, speak to the department head.
c. Report the situation to the producer.
d. You can at any time contact the AQTIS 514 IATSE advisor assigned to the production for help or advice.
a. Harass the person back.
b. Try to tarnish their reputation.
a. Investigate the allegation in a confidential manner, or help resolve the issue using other means, such as mediation.
b. When possible, assign the persons involved to different locations.
c. Impose disciplinary measures, which could range from a notice to dismissal without pay.
a. In addition to reporting the situation to your supervisor or to a different representative of the producer, you must inform the union advisor assigned to the production.
b. The advisor will inform you of the next steps.
a. Contact APARTÉ for help. Their services are offered 24/7, free of charge.
b. Report the situation to AQTIS 514 IATSE. They will inform you of your options.
a. The union will support you throughout the process.
b. If a formal report is made, the union will make sure the producer takes the necessary action for the inappropriate behaviour to stop.
c. If the producer doesn’t take action, the union can step in and initiate the grievance process, as outlined in the collective agreement.
a. Expel a member from the union without an official complaint or investigation.
b. Demand that the alleged harasser to be prevented from working on the same production as you in the future based solely on an allegation.
c. Initiate any actions without revealing your identity to the producer.
d. Force the producer to take specific actions.
a. Offer support to the victim.
b. Encourage them to report the situation.
c. Be available as a witness in case of an investigation.
RRSP & Dc-rpp
The rate of RRSP deductions is determined by collective agreements.
When joining the union, a member must complete the enrolment forms for the two RRSP plans offered by AQTIS 514 IATSE.
The funds are then distributed as follows:
IATSE contracts: Canada Life
AQTIS contracts: iA Financial Group
Note that after age 71, contributing to an RRSP is no longer possible. However, if a member is working, RRSP contributions must still be deducted from their pay. The plan will then contact the member to find out in which financial product they wish to invest their contributions.
Whether your RRSPs are with iA Financial Group or Canada Life, an online Client Space is available to you on their website.
There you will find statements that will allow you to follow your contributions monthly.
If you have lost your password, please contact the companies directly:
Canada Life: 1 800 724-3402 (AQTIS 514 IATSE dedicated line)
iA Financial Group: 1-833-409-0879 (AQTIS 514 IATSE dedicated line)
Whether your RRSPs are with iA Financial Group or Canada Life, they send you a tax receipt in February.
See sample tax receipts:
• Canada Vie
• iA Financial Group
Note that taxpayers have the option of reporting contributions made during the first 60 days of the year on their tax return for the previous year.
If you wish to do that, you will have to wait for the second tax receipt with up-to-date information, which is generally issued in March.
Whether your RRSPs are with iA Financial Group or Canada Life, they have experts who can help you with your investment choices.
Canada Life: 1-855-729-1839 (AQTIS 514 IATSE dedicated line)
iA Financial Group: 1-833-409-0879 (AQTIS 514 IATSE dedicated line)
RRSP withdrawals and transfers are subject to rules designed to ensure a retirement income supplement for members as well as the sustainability of the group plan.
To request an RRSP withdrawal, you must contact the plan that holds your funds.
Canada Life: 1-855-729-1839 (AQTIS 514 IATSE dedicated line)
Link to CEIRP website:
iA Financial Group: 1-833-409-0879 (AQTIS 514 IATSE dedicated line)
Click here to consult the AQTIS brochure (in French only)
We do not recommend RRSP withdrawals before retirement. If you are in a difficult financial situation, do not hesitate to contact the AFC for ad hoc assistance.
If you are in dire financial straits, contact us and we can send you information about the organization and/or committee that can analyze your file.
Since October 2020, AQTIS 514 IATSE has been offering members a second retirement savings product in addition to the registered retirement savings plan (RRSP): a defined contribution registered pension plan (DC-RPP).
This supplemental pension plan is fully funded by the producers (at 5.5%) and is mandatory for all productions under the 2019-2023 AQPM-AQTIS agreements and under the 2022-2027 APP-AQTIS 514 IATSE agreement (since June 12, 2022).
It is governed by the Supplemental Pension Plans Act, si there is virtually no way to withdraw funds before retirement.
The DC-RPP is administered by iA Financial Group.
Since the account is registered in your name, the information can be accessed through My Client Space, iA Financial Group's secure website for their clients, or by calling 1-833-409-0879.
iA Financial Group will send you a statement of account in March.
You can also produce the statement at any time by going to My Client Space.
For your taxes, it’s important to work with a tax accountant.
How you report your DC-RPP depends on your employment status:
• Regular member:
The DC-RPP isn't taxable for regular members. The statement sent by iA Financial Group in March is just a statement of account.
NO TAX RECEIPTS ARE ISSUED FOR A DC-RPP as it is included on the T4 slips issued by the producers (unlike RRSPs).
• Incorporated member:
An incorporated member has the option of issuing a T4 slip to themselves, showing a Pension Adjustment (PA) matching the amount they want to report, based on the salary they paid themselves.
Depending on your income reporting election, you may need to contact iA Financial Group by February 28 to request the transfer of the unused balance from your DC-RPP to your RRSP.
iA will make the transfer in March, so these new RRSP contributions will appear on the 2023 tax receipt that will be issued in January 2024.
• Self-employed member:
The amount reported in the Income box on the T4A slip provided by the producer includes the DC-RPP information.
Contact iA Financial Group by February 28 to request a transfer of funds from your DC-RPP to your RRSP.
iA will make the transfer in March, so these new RRSP contributions will appear on the 2023 tax receipt that will be issued in January 2024.